Volvo CH 230 from 1979

Vehicle related data
- Nationality of manufacturer
- Sweden
- Manufacturer
- Volvo
- Series
- CH 230 from 1979
- Body type
- Flatbed with racks and tarpaulin
- Configuration
- Truck without trailer
- Drive formula
- 4x2
- Concept
- Cab-over
- Country of registration
- Switzerland
- Carrier / freight company
Holenstein Logistik AG
Seit 1898
Wilerstraße 214, Stelz
9500 Wil
Photographic details
- Country where the photo was taken
- Switzerland
- Date the photo was taken
- ca. 1982
- Date of upload to this site
- June 02, 2023
- Photo type
- Scan from paper print
- Maximum resolution of this shot
- 6133 × 4089 px
- Image number
- CHPpic198200PP-000001wpx
- Photographer / archive
- Christian Peeters
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